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Monthly transaction history


I am working in Store and i have around 3500 items in my store. I have worksheet carry 3 sheet name Receipt / Sales / Summery. I want summery sheet will show me the entered item monthly transaction histrory which day-by-day transaction up to end of month. [Debit-Credit]. At the end of month last stock balance carryforward to next month. It helps me to make BIN CARD for the said item.

Please give suggestion in this regard.


  • Summery.xlsx
    12.9 KB · Views: 10
can you fill some output data in summery sheet manually please so that i can write a code for you.

Mahaveer Somani
Hi Jamir,

Would you have the possibility to work with Power Pivot Table? I think than this could be helpful for what you want to do without having to use VBA (if you do not want to...).

By the way, , do you both have a profile picture with red background by coincidence or do you know each other? :p

Hi Aurelie,
Thanks for reply. If it is possible with Power Pivot Table, please give suggestion. It will be very helpful to me. I just want to recall the selected item last month in out transaction.
Hi Mahaveer,
Greet to see your reply. Please trace the attached file. I have put some data manually in summery sheet. You know that, Bank Statement. If you want to see your account information of during last 1 month transaction, you entered date of particular account no. & system generate the last one month transaction history in front of you from 01 to 30 days day-by-day Credit-Debit & available balance.

Hope you will be solve my problem.




  • Summery.xlsx
    13.1 KB · Views: 15

In 2 weeks at these forums it seems as if you either have not read what you were twice yet told do read or if you've done, which I personally doubt, either you didn't understand anything or you don't care at all about it.

These are the additional topics where you've crossposted the same question:
at a conversation with Hui and me, last Friday
http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/statement.13728/ (yet advised and closed by me last Friday)
http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/report-format.13511/#post-81295 (a hijack attempt, yet advised by me today)

All of them except last one -which is not yours- are closed now, and I strongly suggest you to keep all the questions related to the same subject within this same thread.

I'm not going to repeat myself and explain the evilness of cross posting as I did it once, and if you want to refresh its concepts you could search your own posts clicking on your profile and getting access to them.

This is a community where all members respect the rules, which is the way of respect other members. Please do respect the rules and hence do respect us. And please too don't apologize again to continue behaving in the same way.

Would you have the possibility to work with Power Pivot Table? I think than this could be helpful for what you want to do without having to use VBA (if you do not want to...).
If it is possible with Power Pivot Table, please give suggestion. It will be very helpful to me.
If you are interested in a Power Pivot based solution, I suggest you have a look at the following: http://chandoo.org/wp/2013/01/21/introduction-to-power-pivot/
It is precisely answers to your problem, so it should not be to complicated for you to adapt it to your workbook.
nice to see your reply. But Dear i have office 2007

Don't you see any (i.e., a couple) of inconsistencies in the previous excerpt? I'm well aware that sometimes one is asked about things that maybe don't know and assume that are feasible (Power Pivot with 2007 version), at last we're all hear to learn, but users who try to help and are as cautious to ask first if a solution would be suitable, and are told that yes, it'd be, and then they perform the search within this site to provide help references, how do you think they would feel after working to contribute and receive a later acknowledgement that they worked in vain? Surely not very fine and comfortable.

An advice? Whenever asked about anything that you don't know or you're not fully sure, please ask until you've got no doubt, so as to not make people lose their time.
