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Module Runs Two Pivot table Updates ?? Yes/No Possiable


Hi All, How can I do this in one Sheet to run either of module programs.

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable)

SyncPivotFields target2

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable)

SyncPivotFields target3

End Sub

Hi, ianb!

If you go on at this rate (30 topics in 2 months, 50 topics in 3 months; that's one topic each other day), you'd be soon reaching the Ninja threshold post of 1K.

No offense at all, but are you reading the built-in help, or are you reading or studying any online (free or subscribed) Excel material? Regarding the type of questions you're asking I think it'd be very useful for you if you spend more time reading rather than writing about how to do things in Excel?

And remember, everything has its learning curve and everybody has to go thru it at its own speed.


PS: free, check this, here're a lot of good kick-offs:


or this:


paid, this:

I have been doing VBA for about 1 and a hlaf years. some part very easy to do and some complex. I am building up skills daily many thanks to those involved with the guidance and assistance.

Hi, ianb!

Well, in that case keep on with all these activities: reading, applying, updating, learning, and asking whenever if might help.

BTW, I wrote you too on other topics, could you solve those issues?

Hi, ianb!

Now I see that nobody (including me) have answered your question, I apologize for myself.

The "Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target as PivotTable)" code is executed after each time a PT is updated, so depending on what does your "SyncPivotFields" procedure does, you might do something like this:


Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal target As PivotTable)
Application.EnableEvents = False
SyncPivotFields target2
SyncPivotFields target3
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Could you post its code or upload a sample file?

Hi, Thanks.

I started a simple Spreadsheet about 2 years ago. and soon it has developed into a dashboard of 16 front tabs, about 15 hidden, vba menus. counting emails in mailboxes, etc... crazy. yourself and other on this web site have helped me with the automation side.... the computer runs at 1gb of ram when loading the pivot tables.

that is my final task how to upload a quicker was and not make the computer slow.

I think I will do refresh of hidden pivot tables for the data forms.

then a start up refresh of the visable pivot tables for interaction.

finally I think I may need to try and link some of the connections back together again.

Any tips on reducing down connections on pivot tables
Dashboard Version three is due out soon so I am busy 9to 5 plus evenings also. its great when the ideas work and thank to you and others I am close to the end. Version three is the last version...

Just tryig to keep the balance of the pivot tables, refreshing and also the automation
Hi, !

Glad to help and maybe you could share all or parts or screenshots of your dashboard so as people can learn from it. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.

Yes. I am placing the programs on the web site in the vaults as templetes for other users to have.

Also I have a program that monitors multi email accounts and multi folders in excel either if no emails have arrived within a time limit or if an email has arrived.

It works on a 6 way timer 10 minutes each and calculates every 10 minutes with an output over 30 minutes. with chart and number display at the front end.

It saves me alot of time during the day having a program to see visually and pop up boxes with messages if I need to do anything...
Any one let me know if you need any programs I have loads in my storage. Still learning.

JB and HUI are the best two I have come acorss since being on thsi web site.. they should be classed as Ultimate Excel Ninjas. Many Thanks.
Hi, ianb!

Regarding your penultimate post, there are commercial or free programs as Outlook, Thunderbird, and so on, that do the same job by the way of user defined rules.

And about your last one, I agree that Hui is the ultimate (or should I say arcan and dean?) of the Ninjas. But to be fair I should say that all Ninjas here have the skills that the guy, yeah, you know, the one who writes every Bishop's death -spanish dixit-, well, that he as Key Master considered appropriated for holding the honorific badge of Ninja. Maybe you've been more in contact with Hui & me and that leads you to place us a setup up but I assure you that Luke M, NARAYANK991, Faseeh, b(ut)ob(ut)hc, and many members not still Ninjas like XXX, YYY, ..., (you didn't expected me to write their names here, did you?) are more skillful and expert in certain topics than me (I wouldn't dare to add "and Hui").

Thanks for your concepts.
