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Modify my default sheet.


Dear all,

I want all my new sheets to be different as I have now.
Not only fonts (that's in the options) but more things.
This can be done in my opinion creatind a sheet as you want and then save it as template.
Beside that this template must be used for every new sheet of course.
I did that but without succes.
It's on W7 with Excel 2007 and I've put the template under C:\Users\MYuserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates with different names (also Normal.xltx).

Do you maybe have a solution for my question?

Best regards,

I may not be completely understanding you, but if you put a workbook in this folder (not exactly the same, obviously), XL will use it as the default starting workbook, complete with any formatting/date you have in it.
C:\Documents and Settings\Luke M\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
Thanks for your reply Luke, I kew that one and it's not what I ment, sorry.

Let me give you an example: I want that every sheet that I create as new (big button left/above - new - blank workbook, or option new sheet on the ribbon) contains always my name in cell A1.
Just an example. Could be that cell C3 is always 3x3 or something else.

By my knowledge you could do this in the past (older version) defining a excel template that was used for every new sheet you where creating but can't find much of such option while serching the web.

Hope my question is clear....


That did the trick Sam many thanks!

It also solve the custom Style question I also post today.

