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Mirrored Side by Side Bar Chart


New Member
Hello all,

I'm trying to create a graph which shows issues created and resolved over time in each quarter.

The numbers should be cumulative, so that we can see that although we have new issues coming in all the time, we are closing more issues than we open.

The problem I'm having is we have two types of issues (red and blue). I want to show the bars directly underneath each other, i.e. blue issues opened, with a 'mirror' image of the ones closed DIRECTLY BENEATH IT. The red issues should show up the same, directly to the right of the blue issues.

I've attached a file which shows where I've got to so far:


I'm using Excel 2007 - how do I do this?

You need a clustered and stacked Column chart




Hi ,

I think you first need to decide what kind of picture you want to project ; are the blue issues and the red issues related in any way ? Or do you want to project the number of issues raised vs. the number of issues closed for each kind of issue ?

If the blue and red issues are not related to one another , then you would be better off charting them in two separate panel charts ; so that each panel depicts the issues raised vs. issues closed.

The blue and red issues are related in that they are a certain type of issue, but we need to split them between two groups in our organisation.

@Hui, thank you for this, but we do not want them to be stacked - essentially we want a side by side bar chart for the items raised (the bars go up from the 0 line), then we want a side by side bar chart for the issues closed (the bars will go down from the 0 line). We then need the blue issues raised bar to overlap the blue issues closed bar, so that they seem to mirror each other. Similarly for the red issues.
Hi ,

In that case , just plot the two series on the secondary axis , and make both the axis endpoints ( minimum and maximum ) the same , say -300 to +300.

The closed series , being negative will appear below the horizontal axis , while the raised series , being positive will be displayed above the horizontal axis.
