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Minutes and Tenths of Minutes


New Member
I am looking for a formula that will convert Minutes and Tenths of a minute to mm:ss for example 4.433333 = Just short of 4 minutes 30 seconds obviously I do want to say to the boss its just short of 30 seconds I want to be accurate.. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi xchopsr,

Excel is much smarter than human.. :) Excel always read 0.5 as a half day perfect 12:00 .. and 0.25 as Morning 6 o'Clock.. (24 hour is a day and 0.25 is morning 6).. So If you provide excel 0.5674 it will convert it to 13:37:03 for you (if you want).. which is Day & Tenths of Day, But your case is something different.. You want to view only the Minutes and Tenth of Minute..

Please use the below formula to get your desired Result..

write 4.43333 in cell A1 and in B1 copy the below formula..

=LEFT(A1,FIND(".",A1)-1)&" Minute and "&(VALUE(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(".",A1)))*60)/(10^(LEN(A1)-FIND(".",A1)))&" Second"

Debraj's work perfectly, but is way over my head.

Here's another possible solution (I hope)

If the decimal time is entered in A1, then in B1 I put:


Then format as mm:ss
Hey Rudder,

WOW.. Smart Solution.. :)

I don't know, why I used this bloody.. useless.. long.. mind blasting formula for this simple query.. :(