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Matching Numbers


New Member
Let me first give an eg in xl-2007

my data in a sheet named ProductList


A B C D E F and so on till column M

Code Name Make Type and so on

1001 Pillow ABC&Co. GN

1002 BedSheet ABC&Co. GN

1003 Carpet ABC&Co. GN

1004 Brush RR Trader GN

1005 Cleaner XYZ&Co. GN

1006 Gloves XYZ&co. GN

need some method or code wherein I enter the Code number

only, in another sheet named UsedNos in column A like






and the output in sheet ProductList will be

Code Name Make Type and so on



1003 Carpet ABC&Co. GN

1004 Brush RR Trader GN


1006 Gloves XYZ&co. GN

As you see the Code number should'nt be deleted in the ProductList sheet. I have such 7000+ records. The Code number is not repeated.The Code number in UsedNos sheet matches with the number in the ProductList sheet and delets the record and will be used for some other or new product details.


Refer: Sheet3 of the attached file:

Hello Hui

I think the issue will be solved by some code and not the

Lookup function. I did post this issue just three days back and

was replied by one expert Faseeh also with the Lookup formula.

But I do not want any extra sheet to be added.

Also in lookup formula as I delete the code number the data

re-appears in the main list.

I want the data to be deleted in the same sheet i.e the ProductList

sheet as mentioned above. And as I delete the Code number from

the UsedNos sheet the data shouldnot re-appear in ProductList sheet.

thanks for trying.
Where are the lookups going to get the area from?

I understand the problem

Easy to hide the data

But if I enter a new number where does it get he data from?

Alternatively use CF to make the listed records have a white font color