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Match whether a cell value contains a substring in an array

Hello there,
I am trying to match a specific cell value in column B with the data in Column A and expecting the result in Column C as Yes or No.. In the sense, Column A data should be checked with all values in Column B and if there is a find, it should print as Yes. There will be only one value expected to be matched with Column B as well. Can someone help on this ?
I have attached the excel file as well.

Murari Rajagopalan


  • Book4.xlsx
    9.1 KB · Views: 4
Hi ,

Sorry , but my proposed formula was wrong. This is more like it ; you can go with Bosco's solution.

=IF(ISNUMBER(LOOKUP(999, SEARCH(B2, $A$2:$A$5))), "Yes", "No")

This assumes that no cell will have more than 999 characters.

thank you very much. can i use an arrary in column B instead of one specific value ? I did tried with the formula as attached and this seems to be not working.. In the sense, every column in cell A, will be checked with all values in Cell B rather than a specific value


  • Data.xlsx
    9.5 KB · Views: 3