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Making dates show with text


Hi, I am looking for a little help with dates .... I am creating a new spreadsheet and I want a date to appear in three separate cells ( which will be then be shown in rectangle shapes ), I can easily get the day of the week in one cell, the month in another and the date ( e.g. 17 ) in a third cell ,,, but I would like the 17 to appear as 17th .... or if the current date is the 21st, show as 21st ... is this possible ?
=A1&IF(AND(MOD(A1,100)>=10,MOD(A1,100)<=14),"th", CHOOSE(MOD(A1,10)+1,"th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th"))

Thanx http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2004/07/19/ordinal-days/