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Making bank summary in excel.


Dear Sir,
I have large set of EMI repayment files I wanted to make summary as per sheet2 based on sheet1.
Please help.


  • emi repayment file.xlsx
    15.9 KB · Views: 13
Copy the formula and paste on your sheet2 Cell D2 & D8
Paste this to D3 & D9

Kindly use the table on data if you have large dataset and updating frequently, Assuming there is a unique loan number, a pivot table is best suited for such cases.
You can group the dates as quarters, and apply to the pivot table.

Veh NoSum of PincipleSum of Interest
A 474,316 242,756
B 401,037 136,767
c 438,657 99,147
D 479,806 57,998
E 380,966 14,186
Grand Total 2,174,782 550,853


  • emi repayment file.xlsx
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