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Making a Schedule vs Production Chart


New Member
Hi All,

I have two sheets

1. To capture data in a date wise format - daily production values of Blocks

2. Required Production Schedule month wise for the next 1 year to meed demand

Now, I need to prepare a chart which maps my production values to my schedule value month on month. This will help us to know whether we need to increase or decrease production speed.

The formula I used to calculate the Production data in the first sheet is :-

=SUMIFS(MB_Quantity,MB_Item,'Data Sheet'!A2,MB_Date,MONTH(MB_Date)=MONTH('Mudblock Schedule'!A2))

MB_Quantity - is the column which contains qty of blocks produced on a DAY basis

MB_Item - is for the particular item

MB_Date - Date of the production

The problem is i get 0.

How do i check Apr Schduled to Apr Produced values.

Thanks in advance.

I don't think this bit :

MONTH(MB_Date)=MONTH('Mudblock Schedule'!A2)

is correct as it will evaluate to True/False

and it is being compared to MB_Date
which I assume is a date?

Are all your ranges the same length?

Can you post your file ?