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mail merge using excel for template and database?


New Member
Hello, not sure if I can explain this correctly. I have all my data in one worksheet (database) arranged in columns. Then I have a formatted template in another worksheet with link formulas to pull the values from the database, about 10 fields in the template.

The formulas look something like this...


Now I want to copy and paste the template so that the formatting remains the same and all the link formulas update to pull data from the next record, so that the formulas looks like this...

='[data.xls]Template'!$B$3 and then ='[data.xls]Template'!$B$4 and so on

Basically it's a simple mail merge using Excel for the temaplate and database. I don't want to use Word because the formatting of the template is complex.

None of the paste special options seem to help. Is this that hard?

Using MS Excel 2004 for Mac.
Hi ,

I do not have Excel 2004 for Mac , but from what I have understood , your problem seems to stem from the absolute addressing that has been used.

Given a formula which uses $B$2 , copying it anywhere else will not change the address reference , which will continue to be $B$2.

If you would like the addresses to change , modify the address usage from $B$2 to $B2 , so that when you copy it across rows , $B2 can become $B3 , $B4 ,...
