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Mail Merge Replace text

Hi Team below is the code i have in an excel template to replace text on body of the mail with some values.

However while i run code only two texts are getting replaced can you please help.

>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub DistributeReports()

If MsgBox("Please confirm if the default signature for new mails have been disabled" & vbLf & "Continue?", vbYesNo, "Error!") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next
    Dim myolApp As Object
    Dim myItem As Object
    Dim myAttachments As Object
    Dim TemplatePath As String
    Const TemplateName As String = "QRT Email TEMPLATE.oft"
    TemplatePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\QRT Templates\" & TemplateName
    Set myolApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim Currentfile As String
    Dim Row1 As Integer
    Dim response As String
    Dim PPMD_Name As String
    Dim WBS_PRName As String
    Dim WE_ED As String
    Dim WBS_N As String
    Dim WBS_NAM As String
    Dim body, body1, body2, body3, body4 As String
    Row1 = 2

Currentfile = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, (InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))

While Not (Cells(Row1, 1) = "!EOF")
    On Error Resume Next
Set myItem = myolApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(TemplatePath)
    Set myAttachments = myItem.Attachments
'   >>> as written in Forum Rules - do not give Your email-address
    myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName = "r a g h a v a s h r m @ g m a i l . c o m"
'   <<< as written in Forum Rules - do not give Your email-address
    myItem.To = Cells(Row1, 2)
    myItem.CC = Cells(Row1, 3)
    myItem.Subject = Cells(Row1, 4)
    PPMD_Name = Cells(Row1, 1).Value
    WBS_PRName = Cells(Row1, 9).Value
    WE_ED = Cells(Row1, 18).Value
    WBS_N = Cells(Row1, 7).Value
    WBS_NAM = Cells(Row1, 8).Value
    body = myItem.HTMLbody
    body = Replace(body, "[PPMD Name]", PPMD_Name)
    body1 = myItem.HTMLbody
    body1 = Replace(body, "[Dataset1]", WBS_PRName)
    body2 = myItem.HTMLbody
    body2 = Replace(body, "[WBSNAM]", WBS_NAM)
    myItem.HTMLbody = body
    myItem.HTMLbody = body1
    myItem.HTMLbody = body2
    If Err Then
        Exit Sub
        End If
    Row1 = Row1 + 1

End Sub
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Your However while i run code only two texts are getting replaced can you please help.
Without Your sample file ... I can only guess ...
If You 1st have myItem.HTMLbody = body
and after that myItem.HTMLbody = body1
and finally myItem.HTMLbody = body2
three times to same myItem.HTMLbody
What would You expect to have in myItem.HTMLbody?
... only body2?
Your However while i run code only two texts are getting replaced can you please help.
Without Your sample file ... I can only guess ...
If You 1st have myItem.HTMLbody = body
and after that myItem.HTMLbody = body1
and finally myItem.HTMLbody = body2
three times to same myItem.HTMLbody
What would You expect to have in myItem.HTMLbody?
... only body2?

Hi Vletm,

thank you for the question which actually led to resolve my query, i replaced Body1 & body2 to only Body which worked .
