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Macros for Charts


I have to make reports on weekly basis, I have functions that pulls out the data from the database and then on these values, I insert chart on another sheet.

When I update the values each week, the charts are messed up with the new values, is there any way that we can put macros on it? Basically can we use macros for chart formatting?

your response is greatly appreciate.


You may want to look at using named Formula instead of a macro

Named Formula can be setup to adjust the ranges that are looked at by the chart based on say a date

Refer: http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/10/15/dynamic-chart-data-series/

then come back with any specific questions
Hello Hui,

I extract the data into table in Microsoft Access by a query and I copy and paste the data into an excel workbook. My datasheet is not being increased every week, if my range is for 06/17 is from A1 to Z1500, it stays the same for the next coming week, the contents of this range changes. When I copy and paste the function into a worksheet, the transition sheet which contains the functions pulls the data from worksheet with updated data and the new values are shown in the transition sheet. Then the chart are based on these new values.

But my boss keeps saying to automate it, I thought somebody might be aware of some shorter solution. Thank you so much for your help. GGGGG

Why not setup a SQL query direct from the database to the data area

Then just Refresh the connection every week

I was affraid you would ask that

Without the database or your spreadsheet it is a bit difficult to explain

It involves establishing a Connection between the Workbook and the DataBase

You do it all on the Data Ribbon

Goto Data Ribbon

From Access

follow the prompts of the Wizard

Save the connection as you go, so that you can edit the query later

You should read more about it here:


