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Macro to paste data based on date

Oh, wait, before you go, I have one last question... There are instances that the values are percentage. Your code does not support percentage values :( It copies them as a whole number. Is there a code that can copy percentage values? I was trying this:

myValue = WorksheetFunction.Round(ivr.Sheets("Dettaglio rilascio ISUP Milano").Range("A6").Offset(myDate - 1, 71).Value, 4)

But does not work.
I was trying this too:

Const PERCENTAGE = "%"
myValue = Format(ivr.Sheets("Dettaglio Canali di Accesso").Range("A6").Offset(myDate - 1, 10).Value, PERCENTAGE)

But does not work
Hi ,

Try this :

Const PERCENTAGE = "#.##%"
myValue = Format(ivr.Sheets("Dettaglio Canali di Accesso").Range("A6").Offset(myDate - 1, 10).Value, PERCENTAGE)

Hi ,

See this file. The Start Time is specified within the code , in this line :

StartTime = "00:50 - 00:55"

Change the above to what ever other start time you want entered.

The code is not looking at whether the data is filtered or not.



  • table..xlsm
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Hi ,

I forgot to undo some changes at my end ; if it works for me , it will not work for you , because of the date formatting.

See if this works.



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