Tom T Hall
New Member
I have been trying to make a small drawing application in Excel 2010 using macros. To be more specific, I would like the user to be able to enter a line dimension, select a starting point within a predefined area, click on a direction arrow (a shape, showing north, south, east, or west) and draw a line (using a cell border) in the specified direction. After the line is drawn, a text box with the user entered dimension will be placed within the predefined drawing area. I have had limited success using predefined lengths and directions, but it is very cumbersome. Is there a way to make the user inputted length a variable "X" that will draw the cell outline "X" number of boxes north, south, east or west? Could you then replace the text in the dimension text box with that same variable? I have attached a pick of what the spreadsheet would look like. Any help would be appreciated.