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Macro selected cells/apply macro to selected cells


New Member
Hi, so what I'm trying to do is run a regression for every 5 cells of data, copy a value and paste it and repeat for 1000cells. I tried making a Macro but it just regresses the exact 5cells I used. I want to make it so that i can keep applying the task for the next 5 cells for the macro, or apply the task to the 5 cells I am currently selecting.

this is the code i have from the macro

Sub test()


' test Macro

' test


' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+t


Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Regress", ActiveSheet.Range("$B$257:$B$261") _

, ActiveSheet.Range("$C$257:$C$261"), False, False, , ActiveSheet.Range( _

"$A$1:$I$18"), False, False, False, False, , False






End Sub

PS:I have no knowledge of coding/macro-ing whatsoever, so a simple answer would be great


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Can you upload a sample file? Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

2 Questions please:

Q1. Does the groups of 5 Rows go:

OBS 1:5, OBS 6:10, OBS 11:15, OBS 16:20 etc ?


OBS 1:5, OBS 2:6, OBS 3:7 etc

Q2. Whats stats do you want to collect for each group of 5 Rows ?

Because I'm sure you don't want to make 200 sheets of results

I can setup a table of 200 results of the selected stats you are after

FYI: I am thinking of using a technique like that discussed at: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/06/20/analyse-data-like-a-super-hero/
yeah it would be obs 1:5, 6:10, 11:15 and so on.

umm, it creates 200 sheets of results but i am only taking that one value.

that value is "coefficient" of the x value. because when i run the regression(the function) it creates the sheet with numerous values/information and i only need that one value and i dont think i can just select it to display that value.

I tried reading it but I'm not sure i understand it properly.
Blah 757


Copy down

This uses the Obs Number in Column A

Obs 1: =Rows 2:6

Obs 2: =Rows 7:11

Obs 3: =Rows 12:16

You can read about the Linest() function here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/01/26/trendlines-and-forecasting-in-excel-part-2/

Edit by Hui: Or you could just use the RSQ() Function:

D2: =RSQ(OFFSET($B$2,(A2-1)*5,0,5,1),OFFSET($C$2,(A2-1)*5,0,5,1))