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Macro not working for sorting multiple worksheets


New Member
Hi, as you will see by the sample I've provided, the pages sort but column D get all mixed up . How can I ensure that all the data is sorted correctly. there is formula in Column D , which I belive may be causing the problem. Any advise would be appreciated Eccel 2007-10

Sub Comments()

Dim wsSheet As Worksheet

For Each wsSheet In Worksheets

Select Case wsSheet.CodeName

Case "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4", "Sheet5", "Sheet6", "Sheet7", "Sheet8", "Sheet9", "Sheet10", "Sheet11", "Sheet12", "Sheet13"

With wsSheet.Range("A4:G151")

.Sort Key1:=.Range("G4"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

End With

Case Else


End Select

Next wsSheet

End Sub

The code looks reasonable

Maybe you'd like to share the formula in Column D so we can check it out?


Due On Completed

=IF('Voyage A'!E5=0,"",'Voyage A'!E5+30) 40945

=IF('Voyage A'!E6=0,"",'Voyage A'!E6+30) 40945

=IF('Voyage A'!E7=0,"",'Voyage A'!E7+30) 40946

=EDATE('Voyage A'!D8,6) =IF(D8>TODAY(),"Not Due","Due")

=IF('Voyage A'!E9=0,"",'Voyage A'!E9+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E10=0,"",'Voyage A'!E10+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E11=0,"",'Voyage A'!E11+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E12=0,"",'Voyage A'!E12+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E13=0,"",'Voyage A'!E13+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E14=0,"",'Voyage A'!E14+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E15=0,"",'Voyage A'!E15+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E16=0,"",'Voyage A'!E16+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E17=0,"",'Voyage A'!E17+30) 40955

=IF('Voyage A'!E18=0,"",'Voyage A'!E18+30) 40962

=IF('Voyage A'!E19=0,"",'Voyage A'!E19+30) 40969

=IF('Voyage A'!E20=0,"",'Voyage A'!E20+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E21=0,"",'Voyage A'!E21+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E22=0,"",'Voyage A'!E22+30) 40955

=IF('Voyage A'!E23=0,"",'Voyage A'!E23+30) 40962

=IF('Voyage A'!E24=0,"",'Voyage A'!E24+30) 40969

=IF('Voyage A'!E25=0,"",'Voyage A'!E25+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E26=0,"",'Voyage A'!E26+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E27=0,"",'Voyage A'!E27+30) 40948

=EDATE('Voyage A'!D28,3) =IF(D28>TODAY(),"Not Due","Due")

=IF('Voyage A'!E29=0,"",'Voyage A'!E29+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E30=0,"",'Voyage A'!E30+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E31=0,"",'Voyage A'!E31+30) 40948

=EDATE('Voyage A'!D32,3) =IF(D32>TODAY(),"Not Due","Due")

=IF('Voyage A'!E33=0,"",'Voyage A'!E33+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E34=0,"",'Voyage A'!E34+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E35=0,"",'Voyage A'!E35+30) 40948

=IF('Voyage A'!E36=0,"",'Voyage A'!E36+30) 40955

=IF('Voyage A'!E37=0,"",'Voyage A'!E37+30) 40962

=IF('Voyage A'!E38=0,"",'Voyage A'!E38+30) 40969

=IF('Voyage A'!E39=0,"",'Voyage A'!E39+30) 40949

=IF('Voyage A'!E40=0,"",'Voyage A'!E40+30) 40949

=IF('Voyage A'!E41=0,"",'Voyage A'!E41+30) 40949

=IF('Voyage A'!E42=0,"",'Voyage A'!E42+30) 40949

=IF('Voyage A'!E43=0,"",'Voyage A'!E43+30) 40949

I though you may see it with the example I've uploaded. I take it I've up loaded it correctly.

thanks for looking
Hi, Foxy17!

In this piece of code from your first post:


With wsSheet.Range("A4:G151")

.Sort Key1:=.Range("G4"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

End With


you're specifing column G as sort criteria, assuming that you actually want to sort by column G, it'd be necessary to check both columns, D and G, so as to evaluate what's happening.

Consider uploading the file. Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

Ive add 3 tags , I thought you could download the file from there, There ia a set of macros at the top of r=each page and they should sort the column the are above and everything else. ThaNKS AGAIN FOR LOOKING

Hi, if you got to voyage A and sort by Job, then go to Voyage B check out the dates in row 7 both are Due On 7th and Completed on the 7th. If you click on Done By and scroll down to row 42 you will see that the dates have changed to Due On 9th and Completed on the 7th, thanks

I've shortened the file to show that it may not be the macro thats the problem , but more the formula. If you check sheets Voyage B and C you will see the highlighted date change, as you run through the macros for the sort. Hope you see what I'm speaking about
