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Macro for freeze cell



I was trying to freeze the cell with the following program. It works with the worksheet of mine.

But the problem is that when the same worksheet sent to another person by mail, this MACRO doesn't work.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim TabOrder As Variant

Static TabPos As Long

TabOrder = Array("B2")

TabPos = IIf(TabPos > UBound(TabOrder), 0, TabPos)

Application.EnableEvents = False


Application.EnableEvents = True

TabPos = TabPos + 1

End Sub
Did you save the file as an *.xlsm or *.xlsb ?

Did the receiver of the file enable macros when they opened the file?
.xlsx format does not support macros. You'll need to change the extension to either .xlsm or .xlsb