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Luke M, how do you find fruit?

HI Luke--

Thanks for you forensic analysis of the fruit / vegetable question. My question is this: what if you wanted to list the fruits instead of the vegetables? My colleague and I tried changing the criteria and nothing, tried making the < ROWS into > ROWS and still nothing? Could you please explain what we are not getting?



If you Enter Vegetables in the Criteria cell D2

Change the formula in E2 to:

E2: =IF(COUNTIF(A:A,$D$2)<ROWS($E$2:E2),"",INDEX(B:B,SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$10 <>$D$2,ROW($A$2:$A$10)),ROW(A1))))

Ctrl Shift Enter

Then Copy E2 to E3:E10

This will list everything except Vegetables

Of course with the original formula just enter Fruit into the Criteria Cell D2
Strange...is calculation mode set to Manual by chance? Is the formula displaying an error, blank, or wrong data?