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Loop to hide checkboxes based on cell value


New Member

I'm trying to create a procedure to hide a number of checkboxes based on if column A is empty or not. So if for a single check box I've used

>>> use code - tags <<<
If Range("A11").Value = "" Then
ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box 2").Visible = False
ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box 2").Visible = True
End If
I would like to loop through rows (11 to 62) and hide/show the checkboxes in those rows.

Thanks for any help.
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I've attached a basic file that has the elements needed on the sheet.


  • Checkbox Hide.xlsm
    33.4 KB · Views: 10
For the file you've attached...
With your check boxes nicely arranged numerically like that, this works for me
Sub ChkBoxHide()
    Dim i As Long
For i = 11 To 40
    If Range("A" & i).Value = "" Then
        ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box " & i - 10).Visible = False
        ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box " & i - 10).Visible = True
    End If
Next i

End Sub

but if you didn't know the arrangement of the check boxes you would need to go by the .TopLeftCell of the check boxes and all of yours are actually in the row above where they appear to be.
Amazing. Thank you. I was trying to use .TopLeftCell but couldn't get my head around it to make it work.