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Loop through web-based outlook email folder, and extract attachment


Hello There,

I am looking for the below requirement to do it in VBA:
1. User is using web-based Outllook for emails (outlook not installed on desktop).
2. VBA should scan through a subfolder (eg. Inbox/Customer Invoices)
3. Check if the email has an attachment (eg. pdf file).
4. Extract the attachment to a local folder (eg. C:\Attachments)
3. After the attachment is extracted, amend the email in the start of the email body, with the details:
a. email scanned and attachment extracted to folder: xxxx C:\Attachments on Date: DD-Mmm-YYYY HH24:MI:SS)
b. Save the email
c. Loop through the next email
d. Move the email to another folder (eg. Inbox/Customer Invoices/Scanned)

I have come across solution which does the above when the outlook is installed in the desktop.

Wonder if the above could be done and what would be the exact excel VBA code, when User uses the web-based outlook.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hello There,

I am looking for the below requirement to do it in VBA:
1. User is using web-based Outllook for emails (outlook not installed on desktop).

I came across some post on the net, regarding sending webmail using CDO option. Would this feature be used to achive my requirements using VB and how?

Thank you & regards,