Chirag R Raval
Dear All,
Sub:- Loop all files in folder & Copy Entire rows in active sheet, first Search for Column Heading, Then in Entire that column for particular instance.
I have many , same structured files in folder, each file have about 50,000 records with 69 columns.
If query raised from parties or other situations (normally average every hourly) , for separate records on particular instance from each file , each time each & all files must be open & Search for particular instance, copy that row in currently newly open workbooks. That take huge efforts & consume time.
I already study following links.
My requirement is copy entire each founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.
I also check this link on that thread,
in this site & code, focus on particular bellow expression that work for only founded address..
“strFirstAddress = rFound.Address
same requirement is
“My requirement is copy entire founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.”
I already check below lingk
that also populate result as path & filenames only..
my requirement is very close to below thread that search for named list
on this thread, particular post no 7 I test successfully for search words in named range list
“ForEach cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("list")”,
“My requirement is copy entire founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.”
If code , in each file, first search for particular column heading , if found that column, then search instance in only that columns , If found , entire row copy in active newly created workbook that’s all..
If columns heading not found, then display message , so I can revise that heading for future smooth work,
May be advance filter can help for fast work but I don’t know how to combine this with advance filter & how to copy entire row…
If any help available , I will be thank full forever for this.
Chirag Raval
Sub:- Loop all files in folder & Copy Entire rows in active sheet, first Search for Column Heading, Then in Entire that column for particular instance.
I have many , same structured files in folder, each file have about 50,000 records with 69 columns.
If query raised from parties or other situations (normally average every hourly) , for separate records on particular instance from each file , each time each & all files must be open & Search for particular instance, copy that row in currently newly open workbooks. That take huge efforts & consume time.
I already study following links.
My requirement is copy entire each founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.
I also check this link on that thread,
in this site & code, focus on particular bellow expression that work for only founded address..
“strFirstAddress = rFound.Address
same requirement is
“My requirement is copy entire founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.”
I already check below lingk
that also populate result as path & filenames only..
my requirement is very close to below thread that search for named list
on this thread, particular post no 7 I test successfully for search words in named range list
“ForEach cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("list")”,
“My requirement is copy entire founded rows instead of founded cell’s address & paths.”
If code , in each file, first search for particular column heading , if found that column, then search instance in only that columns , If found , entire row copy in active newly created workbook that’s all..
If columns heading not found, then display message , so I can revise that heading for future smooth work,
May be advance filter can help for fast work but I don’t know how to combine this with advance filter & how to copy entire row…
If any help available , I will be thank full forever for this.
Chirag Raval