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Lookup with reference to 2 columns


New Member
Sheet 1: Following columns

1. Location

2. Material

3. Qty

Sheet 2: Following columns

1. Location

2. Material

3. Value

I need the 'Value' data in Sheet 1 with reference to Location & Material

Kindly help
This post describes several methods to do what you want

Use index and match.

=Index(Value,match(Sheet1.Location & Sheet1.Material,Sheet2.Location & Sheet2.Material,0)) then hold Ctrl Shift and enter.

Replace Sheet1.Location etc with the cell you want to look up.

What this does is index the column that contains the data by finding the location of the record using a Match.

If you have not used it before it can look daunting but it is very basic once you know how.


It can be achieved with a floating dynamic range.