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Looking for United States map in Shapes, specifically Alaska and Hawaii


I have a map of the US with each state as a "shape" object. This set of shapes only has the contitental US, but I'd really like everything (alaska, hawaii, islands...), if such a set exists. I looked online but could only found pay and give-me-all-your-information-first sites -- does anyone know where I can obtain a full set of US states as shapes for free? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Good evening Jordam

Try this link


or try "free world maps" in Google (no quotes)
This is the site I seem to see used most often

Thanks for the link guys. Luke - thanks for the link - it had almost all of the shapes I needed, except for Hawaii. That's OK, I was able to make do without it.

You may also want to have a look at: http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/
Hi Jordan,

I have created a US map (individual shapes for each state) which I often use in my projects.Few states are having some color ( as it's a sample of my previous work), you can remove them per your need.

Here it is:


Just thought it might help you what you are looking for.


Well, I needed Excel shapes for this:


...although one wonders if it's worth reproducing in Excel what can be done easily with Google Maps or tableau....

Anyway, thanks so much to everyone for their help! Kaushik, those shapes are awesome. I can't wait to start using them for future work. (When I do - how should I give you proper attribution?)
Hi Jordan,

No need to give any attribution..

Earlier I created this as I faced similar problem before initiating one project.I also started searching here and there but did not really got all things together...that is where I started creating this and now I use them wherever needed.

The only attribution I wish to request you is ....share you knowledge with us and help us learn more...

However, I want to say thank to you for sharing the techcique (dynamically show info while hove mouse on chart using hyperlink function and a small UDF) in one of my posts here. Now I am able to use the same in many of my projects.So thank you again for that...

I have seen your interactive Electorial Scoreboard..it's simple awesome....

Also, how did you make those shapes? You didn't draw them each individually with the freeform tool, did you? Because that sounds terrible.