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Looking for format help


New Member
I have a report that is generated out of Oracle. It sends the data to Excel. The first column is a six digit apprioriation number. Example: 111804. Column two is four character/digit subheading code. Example: 52FA or 52FM. When I prepare the report. I have to sort the data, then divide each appropriation by subheading. Then if there are more than one line per appropriation and subheading, I have to add two blank lines and total six columes. Then I bold those totals, place a bold box and yellow highlight. I may have to do this thirty or more times on a report. The report changes daily. One day there may be twenty lines in a particular appropriation, the next day three. Is there a way to have this format itself?
Yes it is easily doable using VBA. If you could post an example file, a before and after each, I would be able to write a code for it with explanations to help you understand what's going on. First, I recommend recording a macro of your entire process. You would be able to see a lot of what needs to happen just from that.