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Look up unique range


Do you have any formula or method to look up unique range?
Please see attached file for my specific question.

Thank for quick reply,


  • Vlook up.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 10

Nice one...

Just put the below in I4 and drag it down..to be acknowledged with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER


Attached file for reference


  • Vlook up_KIM.xlsx
    9.9 KB · Views: 10

Nice one...

Just put the below in I4 and drag it down..to be acknowledged with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER


Attached file for reference
I got it.

Thank again,
Good one @Asheesh

Here is another try.

First define two names

start =MATCH($G$2,$A$2:$A$33,0)
end =MATCH(1,INDEX($B$2:$B$33,start+1):$B$33,0)+start

Now select a bunch of cells starting I4 and type,

and press CTRL+Shift+Enter

You should see the results.

See attached file.


  • Vlook up.xlsx
    10 KB · Views: 9
Good one @Asheesh

Here is another try.

First define two names

start =MATCH($G$2,$A$2:$A$33,0)
end =MATCH(1,INDEX($B$2:$B$33,start+1):$B$33,0)+start

Now select a bunch of cells starting I4 and type,

and press CTRL+Shift+Enter

You should see the results.

See attached file.
But I don't know why I cannot edit on column I and the formula does not work in other cell. Also, I cannot drag it down too.

But I don't know why I cannot edit on column I and the formula does not work in other cell. Also, I cannot drag it down too.


You haven't understood the @r1c1 replay thus same issue faced. It is a multi cell array formula so you can't simply drag/edit/delete the same.