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Dear Chandoo

Please forgive me if the title is not accurate.

I am a fairly basic user of Excel and have just started a role that requires much reporting.

I have an email exclusion list and would like to know the best formula to search current data to exclude the emails from my list.

I have uploaded a basic example of the 2 sheets I wish to compare and return the text "Include" or "Exclude" in another column. As I'm not certain which formulas require sorting of data, it might be better to assume that I cannot sort data. Again please forgive me if there is already a post relating to something similar.

Many thanks for your help,


  • Exclusion List.xls
    17.5 KB · Views: 9
Dear SirJB7

Thank you so much for the quick response, your Ninja skills are swift and most helpful. Have a good day :)

p.s. What language is the initial string if not English?
Hi, mayhem!
Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
PS: I use a Spanish Excel version so I always copy the original formulas as I write them, and then I post the English version, sometimes overwriting, others from the immediate window pane via the Debug.Print Activecell.Formula, so for avoiding typo errors I always keep posted the original ones as I don't save them all.