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Look for a restaurant in one column and add Dining in an adjacent column?

Good day RadMan

try this, adjust cell reference as needed

This is in B1. If you need it in full column just drag down lower right
Thank you bobhc,

But what i'm trying to do is change a bunch of specific transactions from one column to read as a specific category in an adjacent column. So the idea is that it looks all the way down a column for a given value and then changes it to another value to the right of it. For example. I want to change all the "restaurants" to "dining". And all the "hardware" to "home improvement". Is that possible?

How about this
=IF(A3="Restaurant","Dinning","Home Improvement")
I'm not sure how to use that.

I'm looking for something like this.

=IF(B:B="Restaurant",then C:C="Dining")

But i want to do that with a number of different categories.

Almost like vlookup but i want it to lookup a number of words and return a word rather then a number all the way down the page.

Can you post a sample file,

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hi Mark ,

It's not almost a lookup , it is a lookup.

Set up your relationship table , where in one column , you have the words "Restaurant" , "Hardware" and so on. In the next column , have the corresponding categories , such as "Dining" , "Home Improvement" and so on. Assume this table is called the Category_Table.

Now , if your words such as "Restaurant" , "Hardware" are in column A , starting from cell A3 , then in column B , starting from cell B3 , have the following formula :

