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lock n unlock cells


Not sure how to do this.

A            B        C         D      E       F        G         H
[Blank]   [Blank]   Header   Months   Date   units   update   Comments
The form should do this.

1. User should be able to select month from the drop-down (I've already placed content)

2. Based on the month selected the entire dates will populate (I already have a formula to generate)

3. Users should be allowed to enter units btwn 1 and 10, if the entry is 10 details in column g and column H should be locked for entry, else unlock columns G and Column H for entry only when units is less than 10 and also to populate msgbox 'your units produced is less than 10, please provide details'

Thanks in advance...

Best regards

not sure how to protect and unprotect.
Select cols G and H. Under Data Validation, setup a custom rule of:


This will make it so that the user can input into these cells unless F2 is 10. Rather than displaying a msgbox, might I recommend just using conditional format? You could make G & H become yellow or something via:
