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  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

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Mamdouh Elfors
It's not that kind of solution, that someone 'just try to apply' something.
Even that version has rules, how it should try to use.
If Your needed version is different than present version, then there will be more challenges.
Need to know facts - what?
Anyway - it's better that You'll create a new thread and explain there - what do You really need?
Hello everyone,

I cant understand what are some of the variables on this project.
Can someone explain to me them ?
h, c, chk_h, b_sum, x, f, bh, bb, b_org, c_min, h_now, chk_b, aa, txt

Best regards,
Those seems to use with that sample file.
You could find out those meanings, if You check that code and notice - what are those doing?
What is Your point?
I know what some variables do like h -> max truck trailer height
c -> row number

But others i dont know, so maybe to dont fall in error i asked for a explanation of all variables.

I've used those and how many words should have each explanation?
If I or someone else would explain those then it have to do as written in that the longest sentence.
Yours I got a similar project as YUKO
Did You read well Forum Rules
eg Start a new post every time you ask a question, even if the theme is similar...
Did You notice that this was about four years old thread?
It's better to close this thread now,
because even minor modifications means - start from zero.
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