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Linking 2 workbooks -- insert rows in source---adding data in destinatioin


New Member

I am having some issue with linking workbooks. The source workbook has rows, inserted, modified and deleted. The desitination workbook as columns added and when they are linked to source without adding data (which breaks the link) they are ok but if you add data and then insert a row into the source the additional cells do not follow with the rest of the row. Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you might need to use a data query rather than using formulas, since formula links only refer to a specific cell. In 2003, you can setup a data query under the Data menu. In 2007, its on the Data Ribbon, From other sources.

This link might help give some guidelines:


The advantage of the query is that as long as when you set things up you define everything correctly, you can add/subtract rows and/or columns to the source data and the destination workbook will be fine.
Thanks for the advice I will look into that option. I had tried to use that earlier but I must not have set it up correctly as when I inserted a row in the additinal column for that row the data did not move with the rest of the row. I will look at your link and try it again.