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Learning SQL. Any Great Resources?


Hi Guys,

I'm learning SQL because it is pretty much mandatory now adays. Anyone know of some great resources to help me a long the way. Most of it seems pretty straight forward. But hopefully you guys know some 'Resource Gems'.


When you say you're learning SQL, do you mean T-SQL? Or SQL databases? Or both?

Something I've been learning for the last couple of years is MS SQL Server database development (NB. developer, not DBA) and I can thoroughly recommend Rob Vieira's "Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 20[yy] Programming" and "Professional Microsoft SQL Server 20[yy] Programming" books. I own and have read the 2008 ones. These are overkill if you just want to learn T-SQL though.
IF you want to just learn the SQL statements (mainly SELECT statements & Various combinations), best option would be to pick up the syntax & examples by searching the web. Once you know the basics, install a database (MS Access or MySQL), dump a few tables and start playing.

Put yourself in the shoes of a business owner and ask questions like "How is our product sales per customer in north region?", "How many x are sold in regions A,B,C...?" etc. and try to answer them using SQL statements only.

SQL statements are not very complex and once you understand the basics, you can easily scale up and learn higher concepts like joins, unions etc.