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Keyboard shortcut - format paste


I am an avid user and advocate of keyboard shortcuts - for optimum user efficiency. There is a wonderful and very useful feature of copy pasting format in MS Word / PPT / Outlook - which is :

Ctrl + Shift + C = Copy Format
Ctrl + Shift + V = Paste Format

Unfortunately excel does not recognise this command. I wonder why / when Excel will activate it.

I have looked high and wide (including Chandoo's own list) in vain, looking for a quick shortcut to copy - paste format in excel. Any thoughts along these lines ?
Ctrl + Shift + C = Copy Format
Ctrl + Shift + V = Paste Format

Have worked in Excel since day 1 and still do in all versions up to Excel 2016.

Are you using Excel for Mac or a non-English version of Excel ?

Is it possible that some other program has hijacked them or have they been reassigned with Excel by a macro ?
Hi Hui,

Are you sure Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V as a way to copy paste formats works in Excel as a default feature?

Because I can't get it to work either and I've looked for it in the past and found people referring to it as a non-existing feature of excel, pointing out the apparent non sense of having it working in word and ppoint and not in excel.

Anyway, in case it helps the poster, I got used to copy paste formats using a regular Ctrl-C and then the combination Alt -> E -> S -> T (not at the same time, one key at the time), which is a paste special (Alt E S) and then Formats (T)...

Hi Hui,

I am absolutely certain this does not work - athough I have worked from version 95 onwards, I don't think this ever worked. I am currently using 2013 - English, regular version, Windows environment.

I am hoping there is some way to 'activate' that feature, if so.

@Nuno - Thanks, Yes, agree. EST is one way. Still I thought of bouncing off here, to see if there is a better way, or if I am missing something.

Are you trying to paste format only?

Copy = Ctrl + c
Paste Special = Alt + e, s, t, then Enter

So press alt & e, then in sequence press s & t then finally enter.
Other than Alt+E, S, T, Enter

You can also use:
Ctrl+Alt+V, T, Enter


missed the V
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yes, only a lot of key strokes in comparison.

I have worked around now as follows :

Added the following macro into Personal binary. Tagged Ctrl + Shift + V; giving greater consistency across office products.

Sub Format_Paste()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub