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Keeping the Legend Static (Bar Graph Comparison)


New Member
Probably a simple problem that I just can't see how to solve.

See: http://cid-a16b2aba8a294b20.office.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/BarGraph.jpg

Originally, this was two sets of bar graphs. One set for a different user group.

I combined them into one graph, making one user group with a faded color scheme.

I had to rearrange the bars so that the light green was next to the bright green, rather than the full set of lighter bars next to the full set of brighter bars.

Though, this messes up the legend order. Is there a way to rearrange the legend without causing the bars to change position? Or should I create my own legend on the side?

If you select a series, the formula bar will show =Series(.....,1) or ,2) etc up to ,10)

Select the Series you want as No. 1 and change the last bit to ,1)

Repeat for other series in order
Ahh yes. But then the position of the bar moves as well.

You see, I want the bars and legend to do different things but they are linked.

For the bars, I want to keep it alternating (bright, light, bright, light)

but for the legend, I want to keep all the bright together and all the light together.

Maybe I should create a manual legend?
Try changing the shape of the Legend Box so that it is 2 Rows high or 2 Columns wide and correspondingly Narrower or shorter.

That should force the legend to wrap and should give you what you want.
Thanks Hui!

It kind of works when I edit the legend width - just need to play around with the graph's width and placement. Thanks!