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Isna Match Formula


New Member
Can anyone advise correct formula if i wanted to look up/match a certain value in a cell from a data range on different sheet. if value is found, will return "OUT", otherwise will leave cell blank... Can xls also look up if list of values will be encoded not in range but in a cell, separated by comma? I hope someone can help me..been researching this for days.my formula doesn't seem to work if data (on separate sheet) will be displayed in horizontal(eg from column a-z), but works fine vertically (row 2-26). i prefer if i can just encode all details in one cell to save on space... pls pls pls help..... these are the formula im using...

=if(isna(match,value,range,false)),"out",lookup(value,range)) and if(isna(match(value,range)),"","out")
@Katcyvon... unless you are in a crashing plane which requires correct formula to land safely, never post something as URGENT. We would appreciate, if you use in-flight flotation device than posting URGENT message even in such cases.

Regarding your question, it seems like in urgency you may have omitted few details. Can you please restate?

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I'd suggest two things

1. Please read the 3 Sticky Green posts at: http://chandoo.org/forums

The info there will make your visits to Chandoo.org Forums much more fruitful

2. If you can upload a sample file with better instructions you will get a fast answer

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook