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Is there any way to pull city and state when you enter xip code in excel from we

Hi, sunnyp!

It all depends on your country and the websites available for consulting.

I want to pull data from web suppose i enter a zip code in a cell so it will populate city and state automatically , how to pull this data from a web.

Goto the Data, From Web tab

Put your web address in the URL Bar

When the page loads select the table that the info is on.

If the web site uses Lookup/Search boxes, you will need to use a different technique

Start by reading http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2011/03/08/get-data-from-website-that-requires-a-login/

You would be better to download a file with all the data in it and then lookup within that file/data

Please don't multiple post

People will get to this is they have the time/skill as they can.