No with entries from Sheet1 …Am I correct in assuming that I don't need that upper case code on sheet 2.
As it depends clearly on what is expected in the cell & as I can't guess !
So what is allowed or forbidden in the cell (and which one) ?
Any clear answer except H like in the sample workbookWhat the event must exactly perform ?
It does copy the letter H, however it does not allow for numeric entries, that is the other piece of the puzzle. The entries can be any thing from .25 to 8. That is why I had to unlike the response.As a beginner starter :Code:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count = 1 And Not Intersect([D4:Q29], Target) Is Nothing And Not Target.HasFormula Then S$ = UCase$(Left$(Target.Value2, 1)) If S > "" Then Application.EnableEvents = False If S <> "H" Then Beep: Target.ClearContents Else Target.Value2 = S: Sheet2.Range(Target.Address).Value2 = S Application.EnableEvents = True End If End If End Sub
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