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Is it possible to open excel from outlook.


Yes, Double click on any outlook email attachments

Or you can write a Macro and link it to a Button, but if that's all you want to do just use the Windows Task Bar or Start menu
Dear Hui,

One of my friend told me that there is shortcut or setting available in outlook 2010 which open the excel. So just want to know. I am sorry if asked wrong question.


Dear Suresh,

In outlook 2010, you can preview the excel file if you click (single click) on excel attachment. You can also highlight the cell just like excel file.


Nazmul Muneer

Can you ask your friend and post the result here?

I'd be interested to know as well
As I mentioned earlier you can save a simple piece of code like:

Sub Start_Excel()
Shell ("Excel")
End Sub

then link it to a keyboard Shortcut in Outlook
Good day Suresh

I think your friend may have got is wires crossed. You can open or preview a Excel attachment directly from Outlook...but I do not think there is a setting or short cut in Outlook to do this....it is not needed
Hi Suresh!

I think your friend has used..

* Rules & Alert.

* If Some pre-described thing happen.. i.e mail received / send..

* Start Application..



How to open POWERPOINT from ACCESS..

.. do you think.. this is a valid query or requirement !!

