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Is it possible to create a bar chart showing planed amount and a bar overlappig

I have a simple tabel in Excel

Total 140

Completed 100

Rest 40

I want to create a line showing the total number(140) with a new line inside showing the number of completed tasks.

My idea is to have a long bar in one colour showing the total number of tasks and one bar in another colour growing larger as the tasks are completed and ending up covering the hole line.

I have made a chart woorking as planed from 0 completed task and upp to 116 completed tasks it woorks fine, but at 117 the bar for the rest tasks suddenly becoms much longer than the completed one. Lokin as if less tasks are completed

Can anyone help solving this problem?

The file can be found here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=18D9FDDEE91F82DB!381&authkey=!AB1UBMri0Q_FEKs
I think what you need is to format your axis with fixed values instead of auto. I tried that and the chart did not change as it did before.

right click the axis. go to scale. and type in a value you for min and max. this will fix your axis