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Is it possible to auto-format a cell's color based on when it was last edited?


New Member
I'm working with a team that regularly modifies a single Excel worksheet. We would like to be able to easily determine what cells have recently been edited. Essentially, if a cell was edited/changed in the last week, it should be green. Once the edit is a week old, the edited cell goes back to the default white. Is this possible? The ideal solution would allow us to apply it to the entire sheet so that when an edit is made, the color changes immediately.

I recognize that we could use Track Changes whenever we edit and then periodically Accept All Changes to remove the cell highlights. However, changes made right before accepting all changes would only be highlighted for a short period instead of an entire week.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Nice idea but no

Not without the use of a helper cell to store the date

That could be auto populated with some code using the worksheet change event