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Is individual bar color something that can be conditional formatted + automated?


New Member
Situation: I have route #s on one axis, revenue on the other axis.

Routes are classified by performance center. The numbers are sometimes intermingled. For example, while 100s are all one color, 200s are mostly another color - with the exception of 3 of the 200s.

The only way I know how to format the colors is to have as the base color the group with the most routes in it, then individually add the new color, click, use the repeat function.

Is there a way to automate this process? Perhaps VBA, but I hope there's something else? I have Excel 2007, 2010, and Excel Mac 2011 at my disposal. Thanks for any ideas!

Firstly Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

As you are using a Column or Bar chart there is a small workaround

You need to use multiple series for each Group

The series can be based on a Formula and will insert a N/A# error when there is no matching values

Use a formula like =If(and(Cell>100,Cell<200),Cell, Na())

to seperate the data into the various series

Then add all the series to the chart as a Stacked Column/Bar chart

Color each series as appropriate

As the data changes the series will add/remove the individual data to itself and the chart will change as required