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Interpolate a number in between two numbers


I have two numbers that have numbers associated with them (see example below). I'm trying to solve for a number in between these two numbers.

200 0.28

232 ????

250 0.43

I'd like to be able to type in any number between 200 - 250 and get an interpolated number...hopefully somewhere between 0.28 & 0.43

any help?
Hi ,

Suppose I assume your data is in the range G8 through H10 , where the formula is required in H9 :


is to be entered in H9.

Hi sheter,

With your data in Cells K8:L9 like bellow:

200	0.28
250	0.43[/pre]
You can use following formula:


Where 232 is the value for interpolation, you can link to any cell.



It's funny, becuase I was going down this path, but couldn't quite see how to make the math work...it was driving me nuts! Thank you for your clearity on this problem, it works perfectly!


Great solution Faseeh. I did all kinds of Googling looking for an Excel funtion that would do what Forecast does. Couldn't come up with it on my own. Thank you for an eloquent solution. Very clean!

Thank you both for such an incredibly fast response time!