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Interactive Sales Dashboard Example


New Member
I've watched the video from Chandoo on how the Interactive Sales Dashboard was created, but I still have some holes in my trying to create it myself, so I can learn from it moving forward. Could someone help me understand which tab/list is named 'plstYears' (I assume the same tab are subsequest lists would cover 'plstRegions' and 'plstProduts'. Same question for 'lstProducts'. Also, I captured the macro noted in the video, but I'm a little lost in how it's supposed to function (I'm a little weak on macros). Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm trying to broaden my interactive dashboard options.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

With Named Formula you can use the Name Manager available at Formulas, Name Manager to assist

Open the Name Manager

Select the Name 'plstRegions'

Click into the Formula in the Refers to: box

Excel will highlight the selected Named Formula data area
Hi James,

I haven't got a Mac, but just Googled and it is on Insert > Names, you will find it there.
Hi Hui,

Thanks for the reply. I understand how to find the data, if I had the actual spreadsheet. However, the one I'm referencing is a sample dashboard, that Chandoo walks through on a video. Unless I overlooked it, I do not see a way to download the actual spreadsheet.
Hi, bgane!

This is what you're looking for?


If it is, the download link is just below the video of your posted link.

Hi, bgane!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.

Thanks for the welcome. I really enjoy all the information on this site, and the help through the forums. I do have a follow up, now that I have downloaded the example spreadsheet. I'm trying to determine how to make 'chtProductBreakup' see through. In other words, on the Interactive Sales Chart tab, on the 'Pick a year' section of the dashboard, best I can tell to the right of the years is a picture of the graph from the Calculations tab. However, I'm not sure how to make that picture see through, so the only thing that displays from the picture is the bars. Thanks for any light you can shed on this for me.