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Interactive RF Graphic in Excel

Chris R

New Member

I'm looking for help developing a spreadsheet with an interactive graphic that can be used to display Radio Frequency (RF) link condition (good link - medium link - lost link) between three (3) aircraft and a ground station.

What I want to do is insert test data from radio terminal testing by mode of operation (approximately six different modes), each mode would have a separate worksheet. Each worksheet would then have an interactive graphic with three aircraft and the ground station that could be moved (aircraft only) relative to each other. The distances between the aircraft and ground station would be re-calculated as you moved them and then RF path loss calculations would be done then the graphic would reference the test data to say 'based on my distance relative to the other aircraft and the ground station my link is good so I'll display a green line to indicate good link'. NOTE: Each aircraft would have four links, one to each aircraft and on to the ground station.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Regards.
Chris R

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Can you provide a set of data we could have a look at

It would include the locations of Ground stations and the math used to determine what is good/poor signal strength