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Inserting rows and copy the another column values in that cells


Dear All,

I have data in two columns, A:A and B:B, in A:A consists some numeric values and B:B column consists of some text values namely Vendor Code & vendor name. i wish to insert a cell below the vendor name and copy the vendor code. For example, in cell A1 3219 (vendor code) and cell B1 AAAA (vendor name). now i have to insert a blank cell below B1 and copy the A1 cell (vendor code). i am doing this activity manually. Please help me to do this. it has big range around (A1:B500)

Thanks in advance

I'm not sure I fully understand you

Why not just type the values into the column below A1&B1 and keep going down

Then once they are all entered you can sort/rearrange the data to suit

If you select A1:B500

Then as you enter data press Tab instead of Enter it will keep scrolling around and simplify data entry

If the above doesn't help can you please clarify your requirements.
Thank you Hui, but this type of data i got from another one. So i need to do it manually. if any solution will come, then it will reduce my manual work.

I think I have misread your question

Why not add another column say C

Put the value 1 into Column c from Top to the bottom of your data

Now select the data in Columns A, B & C

Copy it

Go to the bottom of your data in Column A

Go down 1 cell

Paste the values

Now change the values in Row C to 2

Now Select Columns A:C

Goto Data Sort

Select Column A Ascending and C Ascending

You should now have 2 sets of data for each entry

Delete Column C
Thank you Hui, but not meet my requirement. Assume that below table

Column Column Required format is


3210 AAA 3210

3211 BBB BBB

3212 CCC 3211

3213 DDD CCC

3214 EEE 3212

data may be vary in sheet. Now i think you got my point

Can you post a sample of data before and after

So we can see what you require
Hi, vijay.vizzu!

Blindly aiming, would it be this what you're looking for? See Macro1 (just as recorded by Excel), assigned to Ctrl-J shortcut.

