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Inserting a row between unique values


New Member
I have 10,000 items. I need to insert a row between the unique values. I don't want to have to do this manually. I have found other posts on the web, but problem is, they write the code for you, but I have no clue on how to use it. I don't want to use a pivot table to pull each unique value, I need to show the duplicates but place a space between them.

Thank you

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Why not use a Sub-Total command

Select your data, which must be sorted by the field you are looking up for uniqueness

Goto the Data Tab, Subtotal Command

in the SubTotal dialog enter the field/column that has your unique values in

Place a sub-total on one of the other columns


Now I'm sure you will say that you don't want the Sum Formula and subtotal added to your table

Before you do the above, add a Dummy Column to the Right hand side of your data

Call it Dummy

Use the Dummy Column to Sum in the SubTotal dialog above

Delete the Dummy column when complete
Thank you very, very much for your time and reply. I was able to modify your suggestion just a little bit to accomplish exactly what I was trying to do. You saved me hours and hours of manual labor.

Thanks again