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InputBox in To-Do list


New Member
Hai, I downloaded your example of the Simple to-do list; it works ok. Can you tell me how to construct the pulldown box (Done, Not Yet) that fixes in the cels A2,A3....?

I can read the macro code but cannot find the definition of this object.

Bob, Hilcom NL
I actually found it, I think.


It's just data validation > list > where your list is "Done, Not Yet"; the two possible values separated by commas.

For the sake of argument, this works for small lists that will never change. IMO, if it's a larger list or where the values might change or the list might grow/shrink, it's almost always preferable to create an additional worksheet with named range 'mylist', and point data validation to '=mylist'. Even with a rudimentary implementation such as this, 'mylist' can be adjusted manually to reflect new items.
Hi dan_I,

thanks for your reaction, but how do I create the data validation list? I cannot find the way to define this list in the particular cell. I seem no activeX controll.

You don't need controls to do it.

A form combobox/dropdown list type thing. You could do it with Chandoo's todo manager, but frankly, it's a waste of time. A drop down box requires an output cell and usually some sort of index to actually do anything with it.

Data Validation just locks down what can/cannot be put in a cell. The cell itself absorbs the value from the list...easy as can be.

Excel 07: Data> Data Validation > Allow: list, source: either as above or a range with your values.