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index with match formula


Active Member
Hello Sir Good Afternoon All

sir i have small doubt when i am using the formula index with Match then i am getting #n/a instead of 0 or -

suppose i am using the data in Sheet1

ColmA        ColumB
Row1   Product        Unit
Row2   Apple           10
Row3   banan.          20
Row4   apple           20
Row5   coconut         10
Row6   orange          05
row7   Apple           10
and i am using the formula in Sheet2 as given below:-


Row1    =index('Sheet1'!A2:b7,match("Apple",'Sheet1'!a2:a7,0),2)


Row2    10
Row3    20
Row4    20
Row5    10
Row6    10
Row7    10
Row8    #N/A
Kindly Help




for Excel 2003
Hello Mr Xld,

It is working but there is one problem

If we extend or change the name then we get the repeating

which i mentioned in my question of the THE RESULT IS

Please check the The result option

Kindly help
Assuming that the word you want (i.e. "Apple" is in cell D2. formula becomes:


Confirm this array formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter. Copy down as far as would ever be needed.

Don't change any of the A1 references, they are simply counters. The only range that might need to be increase is B1:B100. Make this a reasonably large to cover any scenario.

Formula explained here:
