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Index/Match/Sum Problem?


New Member
Hi Friends,

I have two different tables (matrices) consisting of a stop to stop demand matrix for 30 stops (in the top table, for example, the demand between station 2 and 6 is 18passengers) and another providing the VARYING distances between these stops (in the bottom table the distance between stop 2 and 6 is 1.69km). I would like to compile a summary of the data in these matrices and wondered whether a sort of a "frequency table" can be compiled or whether index/match/sum formula should be used to arrive at the result I need. The result must be a table summarising the various distances between the stops and the number of passengers traveling these distances as summarised in the "Result table" as set out below



0.34 0





1.69 18

1.85 23

Distance (X above) is a list of all the distances between stops in table 2

Passengers (Y above) are the total number of passengers in table 1 traveling the distance in table 2 (there might be more than one combination of stations with the same distance between them and this is why I need the sum of these passengers).

Can anybody assist in sorting out this problem.



If you have the two Tables as you described (Distances and Passengers)

I think all you would need is a list of the Unique Station-Station ID's

Then you can retrieve the data from the Distances and Passengers tables

Then sort the list according to distance

You will probably do an Index/Match to retrieve the data from the two tables

As it will enable you to look up the Source/Destination stations as rows/columns

If you want some more help upload the data somewhere, refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hi Hui,

Thanks for the reply. I hope this will help and trust that I have done it correctly to upload the data.



Hi Dan ,

I am confused by your data in conjunction with your post ; can you please clarify ?

Your first table shows 23 against FROM STOP = 1 and TO STOP = 3 ; I assume this means that 23 people get in at the very first stop , wanting to get down at stop 3 ; is this correct ?

If this is so , then the total number of people who get in at the first stop is the SUM(B5:AC5) ; is this correct ?

Secondly , your second table lists the distances between stops ; nowhere do I find a distance 0.34 ; from where have you got this value ?

Can you give more figures in your result table , instead of Xs and Ys ?

Hi Narayank,

Thanks for the questions. Now it seems like somebody is looking at this again!

On your first question: You are correct in your assumption. The total that actually got on at the very first stop is 174 (sum(b5.ac5).

On the second question: I used this as example but it is eg the distance between stops 25 and 26.

I can add more examples but I wanted to illustrate how the table should look like in the end so that I know how many passengers traveled a particular distance.

More examples would look like this

13.3 km (stops 7-23, 15-30, 23-5, 30-13) PAX 8

14.7 km (stops 8-26, 11-29, 26-6, 29-9) PAX 18


Hi Dan ,

I am sure that there quite a few in this forum who are scratching their heads over your problem !

Regarding your second clarification , I think now things are more complex. You say that you have got 0.34 as the distance between stops 25 and 26 ; fine , I have verified that it is so. However , for the further examples you have given that 13.3 occurs so many times within the second table , you need to ensure that the numbers are identical ; I see that in several places , the numbers differ by a minute amount e.g. one value is 0.64 , whereas the other identical number is entered as 0.6400000003.

Hi Dan ,

Try this :

1. Convert your second table , the one having the distances , into a column vector , in any unused column , say column AK. To do this , in AK2 , enter the following formula :

Copy this down till AK785 ; this is because the range C40:AD67 has 28 rows and 28 columns ; 28 * 28 = 784 , and AK2:AK785 is 784 cells.

2. In AL2 , enter the following formula :


Copy this down to AL785.

Now , against any distance , for e.g. 13.32 , you will find in column AL , the total number of passengers who travelled this distance.
