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Index and match exact data


Dear Excel users,

I am trying to use index and match formula to gather value of a particular cell. But the formula throws a wrong value.

Kindly review and advice.


  • Book1.xlsx
    10.2 KB · Views: 7
MATCH(A3,PRAC!C3:I3,0) returns 4 as it should
But the range starts at Column C
whereas the Index Range starts in Column A

So change B3:

or more correctly:

This allows you to copy it to the other cells as is
MATCH(A3,PRAC!C3:I3,0) returns 4 as it should
But the range starts at Column C
whereas the Index Range starts in Column A

So change B3:

or more correctly:

This allows you to copy it to the other cells as is

Thank you..

i realize the mistake now. I didn't select Column C.

Thank you once again.